Jeremy is a Los Angeles based world traveling photographer that specializes in entertainment and commercial photography w/ an appetite for french fries.

Fashion has always been a constant source of inspiration for me. Either it be the Wild West style that fashion can still tap into or the classical techniques of the Masters, fashion has always been a way for me to investigate my more roguish side.

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I was always fond of going through magazines as a kid and pulling out my favorites images from them. My favorites were always portraits of people I have always seen but in a new way that let me see more into their personalities.

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I have always loved the stories that came from the creation of movies, tv shows, or commercials. There is this private world of how things are made that I am completely enthralled with.

look here…

Many see commercial work as their bread and butter. I see my commercial work as the most opportune time to shine a beautiful light on all the amazing companies I have encountered.

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